here we go again. I have been infatuated with the
tin litho cars of my childhood, both by their
great color printed exteriors and by their simple
design. I found a tin 'bakery car' that was the
beginning point for this painting. I needed a
bakery to park the car in front of, so I opted
for the building above, an antique store here in
Laguna Beach. It has some great lines on it and
the sun hits it early in the morning, showing off
it's 3-dimentional design. I will have to modify
the building quite a bit, removing windows,
street signs, etc. and then adding my own signs
to make it into what I think a 'bakery' should
look like.

Here is my mock-up for
the painting. I've constructed a small portion of
the building to give me some information as to
how the shadows will fall from the 'neon' sign.
The tablecloth will replace the street.

Here's the car that put
this image into action. Notice the sign on the
driver's door..."FRESH BREAD"... That will be the title of this
painting. And no "FRESH BREAD" painting would be complete without...

... fresh bread! This
bread was freshly baked by a friend of mine here
in Laguna Beach at his bakery. And no bakery
painting would be complete without ...

... the baker! This is
Ron. He owns and runs "Andree's Patisserie"
and is famous for his French bread. I will be
putting Ron into the painting. He will be on the
sidewalk just in front of the entrance to the
bakery, bringing some 'fresh bread' to his
delivery man who is waiting along the curb in
front of the store. This is going to be a fun
painting to put together. Tomorrow I will stretch
some linen canvas and prepare it for the
beginning steps of this oil painting.

Here I'm using a
photograph to sketch in some of the detail for
the building...

Here's a close-up detail
of the drawing on the canvas. I've sketched in
some vague interior shapes to turn the antique
furniture store into a bakery. I'll begin
applying the first layer of 'turpentine thinned'
oil washes, painting areas that have to be a
certain color. After all these 'need to be their
natural colors' areas are painted, I'll look at
the overall color of the painting and choose hues
(colors) to balance out the image.

I've begun at the top of
the canvas, blocking in the sky, some trees and
the tile roof.

I've dropped to the
bottom of the canvas and painted the pattern of
the tablecloth in blue. Notice that I have added
an additional car behind the bakery car. It
helped to fill a 'visual gap' in my design. I
will continue to paint all the objects that have
'predestined' colors...

Here is the same area
with the grays added to the shadow areas.

The basic color and
shadow areas of the building have been added.

Here's a detail of the
plate of bread. In this photo I have painted the
shadow that is being cast on it.

Now you can see the
values of the sun struck areas of the bread
painted in.

I've begun to paint the
'Fresh Bread' car.

I needed to let the car
dry so that I can put some detailed lines on it
later, so I moved on and blocked in the butter
dish and the second car.

The interior of the
bakery and the exterior signage begin to take

"Ron" has been
'roughed in'. I will try to get a closer likeness
when I apply the final paint application.

I have added a maroon
color to the doors and lower walls of the bakery
windows to put a little more contrast behind the
baker and to put more interest in the building

This close-up shows the
'Fresh Bread' car with all of it's detail.

The painting is now
completely 'blocked in'. All areas of the
painting have been given an initial oil wash and
I am now ready to begin applying the final layer
of paint. I will start in the upper sections of
the canvas and work down.

The roof and sky are

Another detail of the
right side.

The face of the building
is painted as well as the 'Bakery' neon sign.

I've put some vintage
'venetian blinds' in the lower windows to the
right of the bakery.

Before finishing the
inside of the bakery and the baker, I've gone
down onto the tablecloth and darkened the cast
shadows, which help tell me how dark I want to
get with the bakery interior as well as the baker.

The interior of the
bakery is finished. The glare from my studio
lights obscures the detail a little, but you can
see how I darkened the values to make the baker
'pop' or stand out from the background.

Here is an overall photo
of the entire painting up to this point. Except
for the shadows I need to paint all the objects
from the baker on down.

Bread is done! Butter is

There's the butter...

Ron's lookin' good!

Fresh Bread car is all
detailed... and...

Here is the final
painting. Hope you enjoyed the ride!